Loren & Ben’s Wedding
June 24, 2017 | York, Pennsylvania
When my dear friend Loren told m she was getting married, I was overjoyed, and couldn’t wait to be there. When she told me she wanted me to capture her special day, truth be told, I hesitated. Not only did I want to be in the audience, but I hadn’t shot a wedding before. She told me she trusted me, and loved all my other work, and that’s all the convincing I needed. We walked and talked through the days events, planned all the shots, and the day of I hired my own photographer friend Nicole Whelan to assist. It was simply the Best Day Ever for all of us.
The Bride's best friend does her makeup
The Wedding Dress
The Bride's Shoes
The Bride's Bracelet
The Bride's Necklace
The Wedding Rings
The Wedding Ring Pouch
The Groom gets ready
The Groomsmen getting ready
The Groomsmen
The Groom, his father and brother
The Groom makes finishing touches to his vows
The Grooms vows
The Groom waits
The Bride's Father waits
The Bride's Father sees her for the first time
The Bride
The Bride and Flower Girls
The Bride, her bridesmaids and flower girls
Welcome to our Best Day Ever | Loren & Ben | June 24, 2017
The Wedding Musicians
The Groom and his groomsmen
The Bride and Groom enter the reception hall
The Bride and Grooms first dance
The Bride and Grooms first dance
The Bride and Grooms first dance
The Bride's Father makes a speech
Bride and Groom cut the Wedding Cake
The Bride dances with her father
The Bride dances with her father
The guest make their way to the dance floor
The end of the night, sealed with a kiss