My Thoughts Unfiltered

No One Is Coming To Save Us. No One But Us.
If there’s one thing I personally learned from President Obama’s presidency it is that no one person is going to save us. No one group of people, democratically-elected or otherwise, is directly responsible for implementing the change we need to see in the world…

Do Black Lives Matter?
We have seen what history looks and sounds like when written predominantly by white people in positions of power and authority. The question now becomes what will our future look and feel like when manifested and created by Black people, the marginalized, the oppressed, and the disenfranchised, in positions of support and leadership?

What I Can Do Now That They Couldn't Do Then
The rights afforded to us over time are essential the measure by which we claim our progress. While this has typically been true, everything about that feels so wrong, because it acknowledges that we inherently do not even have the power necessary to effect the change we require…

Dear, Corporate America…
We are more than some fictitious persona on your user-journey vision board. Our social political actions and institutional agendas are more than just some projection on your sales funnel.

Dear, Non-Black People
It takes pain, it takes hurt, it takes struggle, and it takes love to make a difference, especially now, especially when it matters. It matters now because we are dying, we are being killed off one by one.

Black before anything else
Being born African has done wonders for my self-esteem. I grew up in a place where Black is the majority, and I wasn’t exposed to western media’s constant negative perception and portrayal of the continent or its inhabitants.